The Global Green Development Alliance (GLOGDA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our head office is located in San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA.
The Alliance focuses on Global Clean Energy, Fighting Climate Change, and Public Health. We endeavor to reshape the world with cleaner energy, better healthcare, and a healthier environment. We operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
To promote Green Sustainable Development Goals, the GLOGDA provides a platform for global leaders, professional communities, governments, and industries, to integrate policy, business, investment, and R&D projects.
The mission of the Alliance is to promote the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experience in Clean Energy, Healthcare, High-impact collaborative initiatives, and Green Sustainable Development projects.
Organize Multinational Clean Energy and Healthcare related Conferences, Summits, Forums and Workshops.
Engage projects related to Green Sustainable Development for Global Climate Action, Clean Energy and Healthcare, including Smart Grid, Smart City, Smart Village, Green Transportation, and Sustainable Town Development.
Leadership development programs for youth, volunteering & internship programs, as well as educational and cultural exchanges.
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Contact Us

1710 S. Amphlett Blvd., Suite 108, San Mateo, CA 94402, U.S.A.
Tel:(+1) 650-289-8636