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The Global Green Development Alliance (GLOGDA) Young Professionals Group is now recruiting!
The Global Green Development Alliance focuses on climate change response and public health. We strive to reshape the world with cleaner energy, better healthcare, and a healthier environment.
GLOGDA is currently recruiting college students, graduate students, and young professionals with certain professional backgrounds from the United States, China, Europe, and other regions to form the GLOGDA Young Professionals Group.
By forming the Young Professionals Group, GLOGDA hopes to harness the power of the new generation of youth, closely united around the Alliance's Expert Advisory Committee, to make their own contributions to achieving the Alliance's goals.
Why join the GLOGDA Young Professionals Group?
GLOGDA has received support from many renowned partners, organizations, and universities from the United States and China (detailed list). Here, you can gain firsthand information on the practical application of clean energy and understand the significance of continuously improving international environmental policies. In addition, the GLOGDA Young Professionals Group has the leadership and support of the Expert Advisory Committee. We need ambitious and dedicated young people to chart the course for the future of the GLOGDA Young Professionals Group.
Young Professionals Group Positions:
Event Managers (2 positions):
Organize “Healthy World, Green Development” Seminar Series - GLOGDA’s special webinars (4 times per year)
Organize reading club (once a year)
Assist in the logistics of summit/conference organization
Location:San Francisco Bay Area
Publications Editing Team (4-6 positions):
Content planning and communication. Roles include chief editor, deputy editor, and assistant editor (fluent in Chinese and English)
Job description:
Responsible for publishing promotional materials, event publicity copy, including Chinese-English translation
Write event summaries
Assist in event promotion
Job requirements:
Experience in writing press releases preferred
Time commitment: ~5 hours/month
Location: Remote
Live Streaming Manager (1 position):
Provide event live streaming links (YouTube, Zoom)
Ensure video quality and smooth live streaming during meetings
Coordinate with on-site activities and domestic live streaming platforms (Baidu, Weibo live)
Job requirements:
Experience in live streaming preferred
Time commitment: ~5 hours/month
Location: Remote
Fundraising Manager (4-6 positions):
Plan and organize fundraising and donation activities for the alliance
External liaison, including coordination and contact with alliance partners
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
VIP Data Organizer (2-4 positions):
Under the guidance of alliance leaders, receive, organize, track, and provide summit services for VIP data
Location: Remote
IT Director/Manager (4-6 positions): Maintain the website
Responsible for IT technical support for alliance activities
Release event announcements, tweets, and event summaries
Online registration and payment
Job requirements:
Experience in web editing preferred
Time commitment: ~5 hours/month
Location: Remote
These positions cover various aspects of the Alliance, from operations to event management, publication editing, fundraising, communication, and technical support. They are all voluntary service roles, carried out under the leadership and support of the Alliance Committee. The Alliance will provide all necessary guidance and resources to help complete tasks, without placing pressure on completion time and quality, allowing for flexibility. We hope that members of the Young Professionals Group can approach their roles with a spirit of selfless dedication, gaining experience and improving themselves in practice, laying a solid foundation for their future development in their respective fields.
For more information, please visit the official GLOGDA website.
Fill out the following application form now to join the Young Professionals Group.
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