Jeffrey W. Chapman
CEO, EnDimensions LLC

Dr. Chapman is the CEO and founder of EnDimensions LLC, provider of EnSuite enterprise energy settlements software to energy market operators and energy utilities. Prior to founding EnDimensions LLC, he was Senior Director of energy market products for APX, Inc. and as manager of energy market products for ABB, both in Santa Clara, California, directed the design, integration and commissioning of large-scale energy bidding and scheduling systems for the California Power Exchange during the launch of the California ISO, handling the scheduling and validation of nearly 80% of the total energy consumed in the state. He received his MS and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and has authored and co-authored a number of technical articles and monographs. EnDimensions, LLC is a Silicon Valley based company, entirely focused on providing enterprise settlements solutions to energy market operators and large energy utilities. EnDimensions has most recently partnered with Siemens AG to provide a comprehensive market settlements package to Colombia’s national energy market operator XM SA, including the ability to rapidly implement new market rules and market structures in a dynamic market environment. EnDimensions has also provided energy settlements packages to the investor-owned utilities Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) in the US.